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inFORMed clay

Dubai, Nov 10-12, 2017

// Introduction

The development of digital fabrication techniques enabled new possibilities for the exploration and integration of material properties within the design and fabrication logic. The notion of robotic fabrication and digital material articulation is expanding to define new typologies of forms made possible with digital technology. inFORMed clay explores new possibilities of the robots and digital materialization to redefine artifacts design far beyond the pre-determined creation of forms. Additionally, it seeks to question the process and its implication on future possibilities of full-scale design.

The produced artifacts will be exhibited as part of Dubai Design Week, Nov.13-18, at d3, Dubai.



Exploring the code-matter-machine interaction process, inFORMed Clay will create a variety of full scale clay artifacts using robotic 3d printing technology. We will study the potential emergent behaviors of the system as well as learn and exert a new sensibility to the computational design/fabrication process by tapping into the self-organization properties of matter as a key factor in determining characteristics of the output shape. The aim is to go beyond the current state of prototyping, according to which the physical prototype should be as close as possible a clone of its digital counterpart, thus making fabrication a purely replication phase. Instead, by coding and embedding additional levels of information aimed at mapping and defining material features and behaviors as well as different deployment patterns from which physical and aesthetic properties arise, the production and digital fabrication phase becomes an integral part of the design process.

//  Daily schedule

Day 01
- Grasshopper 4-robotic tool paths
- datatree
- from surfaces and meshes to points & vectors
- data variations
- layers variations
- Z variations
- weaving patterns

Day 02
- Intro to basic Robotics
- 6-axis Robotic theory
- robot languages (COMAU pdl2)
- speed & air pressure parameters
- clay printing tests
- digital2prototype workflow
- understanding clay behaviours

Day 03
- Hands on Robotic Printing
- clay prototypes design & printing (all day)

 // Software & skills:

Basic modeling skill in Rhino, and intermediate to advanced level in Grasshopper are required. Participants should bring their own laptop with pre-installed software (software download links will be given after subscription). NO programming Skills required.

//Robotic Skills

No Robotic Skills are required. The robot that will be used in the workshop is the COMAU Racer 3.

// Tutors:

Andrea Graziano- Co-de-iT 

Zayad Motlib - d-NAT 


 // Venue:

The workshop will be held at:

Originbase, Alqouz 3, Almeydan St.

// Calendar & Timetable:

The workshop will have the following timetable:

Nov 10- 9:30 -18:00 lesson + tutoring

Nov 11- 9:30 -18:00 lesson + tutoring

Nov 12- 9:30 -18:00 Projects development, Presentation and Crit + Certificate ceremony


// Subscription fees:

WorkShop Prices-jpg.jpg



 The deadline for registration is 03 Nov, 2017 The workshop will be activated with a minimum number of 10 participants, and have a max of 18 seats.


// registration:

To register please e-mail:

// Organized by:

This workshop is organized as a collaboration between d-NAT and  Co-de-iT .

 // Pre-requisite skills: 

Participants who are qualified to apply for this workshop should have either passed one of our previous workshops, or should enroll in the Beginners' crash course.